9 Common Mistakes Nursing Students Make and How to Avoid Them

9 Common Mistakes Nursing Students Make and How to Avoid Them: Your Ultimate Guide to Nursing Success


Hey future nurses! Are you feeling overwhelmed by the nursing school? Are you stressed about clinical, exams, or just making it through the week without losing your mind? If so, you are not alone! Every nursing student faces challenges, but knowing the common mistakes and how to avoid them can make it easier.

In this post, we will break down the 9 most common mistakes nursing students make and - more importantly - how to avoid them. By the end, you will have actionable tips to help you make it through nursing school like a pro!

Ready? Let's dive in!

Top 9 Common Mistakes Nursing Students Make (And How to Avoid Them Like a Pro!)

1. Not Managing Time Properly

Time management is key in nursing school. Between lectures, clinical rotations, assignments, and study time,  it feels like there are not enough hours in the day.

How to Avoid It:

  1. Create a Weekly Schedule: Block out time for classes, study sessions, meals, and relaxation.
  2. Use a Planner or App: Tools like Google Calendar or Notion can help keep you organized.
  3. Do First: Get the most important tasks done first.
  4. Remember: Procrastination is a nurse's worst enemy!

2. Skipping Self-Care

Many nursing students believe they do not have time for self-care, but neglecting yourself can lead to burnout fast.

How to Avoid It:

  • Schedule "Me Time": Just like you schedule study time, make sure to carve out time for relaxation, hobbies, or even a quick workout.
  • Stay Hydrated & Eat Well: Keep snacks like nuts or fruit on hand for quick energy boosts.
  • Sleep Matters: Aim for at least 7-8 hours a night. Your brain needs rest to retain all that medical jargon!

3. Not Asking for Help

Feeling lost in a lecture or during clinicals? Do not suffer in silence. Many students feel embarrassed to ask questions, but that is a huge mistake.

How to Avoid It:

  • Ask Questions Early: It is easier to clarify things right away than struggle later.
  • Form Study Groups: Team up with classmates for support.
  • Utilize Faculty Office Hours: Professors and instructors are there to help. Do not be shy!

4. Overloading on Study Material

Cramming every textbook and note into your brain will only lead to information overload. Nursing school requires strategic learning.

How to Avoid It:

  • Focus on Core Concepts: Understand the 'why' behind procedures and principles.
  • Use NCLEX-style Questions: Practice questions that simulate the nursing licensure exam.
  • Find Your Learning Style: Are you a visual learner? Use charts and diagrams. Prefer auditory learning? Record lectures and listen back.

5. Ignoring Clinical Skills Practice

Books are great, but you can not learn to insert an IV or perform a physical exam without practice.

How to Avoid It:

  • Maximize Clinical Hours: Make every clinical hour count. Ask to practice new skills whenever possible.
  • Volunteer for Simulations: These are safe environments to make mistakes and learn.
  • Get Feedback: Ask your instructors or peers for constructive criticism.

6. Underestimating the Power of Networking

Nursing is as much about who you know as what you know. Building connections can help with job placements, mentorship, and professional development.

How to Avoid It:

  • Join Nursing Organizations: Groups like the National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA) offer networking opportunities.
  • Attend Conferences: Meet future employers and learn from seasoned professionals.
  • Connect on Social Media: Platforms like LinkedIn can help you network virtually.

7. Overlooking the Importance of Critical Thinking

Memorization will only get you so far. In real-life scenarios, you need to think critically and make quick decisions.

How to Avoid It:

  • Ask “Why” Often: Don’t just memorize facts; understand why procedures are done a certain way.
  • Practice Case Studies: Work through hypothetical patient scenarios to hone your critical thinking.
  • Stay Curious: Keep up with current nursing practices and trends.

8. Failing to Balance School and Personal Life

Nursing school is demanding, but your life outside of school matters too. Ignoring personal relationships and hobbies can lead to burnout.

How to Avoid It:

  • Set Boundaries: Don’t let schoolwork bleed into every part of your day.
  • Plan Social Time: Schedule time with family or friends to keep your spirits up.
  • Find a Hobby: Something as simple as reading or gardening can help you unwind.

9. Neglecting to Stay Up-to-Date with Medical Trends

The medical field is always evolving. Staying informed is key to becoming a great nurse.

How to Avoid It:

  • Subscribe to Journals or Newsletters: Keep up with publications like the American Journal of Nursing.
  • Follow Industry Leaders: Listen to podcasts or watch webinars by top professionals.

Read More Article: Top Career Opportunities for GNM Nursing Graduates in 2024

Summary of Common Mistakes and Tips to Avoid Them

Mistake Tip to Avoid
Not Managing Time Properly Create a schedule, prioritize tasks, use tools
Skipping Self-Care Schedule "me time," eat well, get enough sleep
Not Asking for Help Ask questions early, form study groups, utilize office hours
Overloading on Study Material Focus on core concepts, use NCLEX-style questions
Ignoring Clinical Skills Practice Maximize clinical hours, volunteer for simulations
Underestimating Networking Join organizations, attend conferences, connect online
Overlooking Critical Thinking Practice case studies, stay curious, ask “why” often
Failing to Balance School and Personal Life Set boundaries, plan social time, find a hobby
Neglecting Medical Trends Subscribe to journals, follow leaders, take courses
Not Preparing for NCLEX Early Enough Start studying early, take practice tests, use study apps

Key Takeaways

  • Manage your time wisely: Make every minute count.
  • Practice self-care: A healthy nurse is a better nurse.
  • Ask for help: Don’t hesitate; it’s okay not to know everything.
  • Focus on core concepts: Quality over quantity in your study materials.
  • Stay current and connected: Network and keep up with industry trends.


Nursing school is tough, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can conquer it! Remember, it is about learning from mistakes and being open to growth. You have got this!

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